January 16, 2012

The "Mora Romagnola" pig

Another almost extincted breed in the area is the black pig, which came to the Romagna with the barbarian invasion and adapted perfectly to the geographical conditions.

Ancient pig breed in Romagna

It looks more like a wild boar than the white pig we know, the meet is darker and more tender, due to the way the fat is present. Why it got almost extincted? Like always, economic reasons: - it´s very slow in fatening, which means less meat, - it has a low fertility rate and it´s a difficult suckler (which is by the way the reason, why these little ones get helped), so it´s less cost-efficient when compared to its big pink brother from England. But the Mora Romagnola is a good grazer and can graze by itself in the woods for several month, it has a high resistance to illness and, who wonders, delicious meat!

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